For real this time. Haha I am going to switch things up a
bit though. I started
cosmetology school 3 months ago.
Why did I choose cosmetology as a career? Ever since high school, I have wanted to do hair and make up
veryy badly! However, I did not follow my dreams & followed what everyone else wanted me to do with
MY life. I went to UNF, transfered to UCF and got my A.A. Then, working towards my B.A, with
2 semesters left, I realized I was grumpy, easy agitated, unapproachable, this was not me! I did not want to keep living my life to other's liking, being miserable
[[ and making my family's life miserable when I got home every day
]]. I decided it was time for me to be
selfish. I am taking a break from getting my degree in Event Management to go to cosmetology school.
And let me tell you.. I have loved
EVERYY minute of it! It has been the best decision I have made in my life. I am super excited to begin my day learning something new, something different and exciting, something I
LOVEE doing! My life has changed
dramatically! My husband loves having me home now
[[ well, atleast I think he does!
]], I am in a good mood the majority of time, I have become more optimistic. I am just loving life!
[[ Other than the fact that I very much dislike my job, but let's not get into that right now
Soo, what you will be finding in this blog will be my journey through cosmetology school, new things that I have learned and picked up on, tips, tricks, and all the goodies there is to know
[[ that I know about :P
Pleasee I would like your input on anything & everything that you would like to add on! Your input is requested.